Stoopid 50 Backcountry Ride Logo

Stoopid 50 Backcountry Ride

Date: April 30, 2023
All-day event
Location: Stokesville Campground, 464 Stokesville Rd, Mt Solon, Virginia 22843
Mountain Bike

The following is a brief description from the Stoopid 50 Backcountry Ride Event promoter:

We have a great course in Virginia for this backcountry singletrack event. Here is your course map. . . .

Dowells Draft, Georgia Camp, Road Hollow, Bridge Hollow and Braleys with the final climb up Dowells and back down Lookout Mountain – nothing better!!

The Stoopid 50 is a pretty darn tough and fun trail ride with lots of climbing. There is a spilt where you can choose a 40 mile option that would eliminate a large climb. . . .

Please see the Stoopid 50 Backcountry Ride Event website for details, but either see the Shenandoah Mountain Touring event page or registration page for dates and times. Shenandoah Mountain Touring hosts several unpaved events. Search the Event promoter website or The Hub for “Shenandoah Mountain Touring” to see the other events.

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